Profile: A 48-year-old mother of five, unhappy with her abdominal overhang and the separation of her rectus abdominis muscles (rectus diastasis). She desired a firmer, more toned abdomen.
Procedure: Full abdominoplasty with liposuction and rectus abdominis divarication repair.
Result: Six months post-surgery, her photos reveal a flatter, smoother abdomen with restored muscle integrity, significantly improving her overall body shape.
Profile: A 30-year-old mother who was dissatisfied with the excess abdominal skin and mild rectus diastasis following two pregnancies delivered through caesarean section.
Procedure: Abdominoplasty with lower rectus abdominis repair.
Result: Her preoperative and six-month postoperative photos show a significantly flatter abdomen with improved skin tightness, contributing to a more sculpted appearance.
Profile: A 31-year-old mother of three presented with excess lower abdominal skin, a central bulge due to muscle separation, and a hernia near her belly button.
Procedure: Full abdominoplasty with rectus diastasis repair and hernia repair.
Result: Three months post-surgery, her photos exhibit a smooth, flat abdomen with an improved contour and no visible bulge, highlighting a successful transformation.